The following steps are for any adult interested in becoming a USAV Indoor Official!
STEP 1 |
STEP 2 |
STEP 3 |
The training materials for referees is available through the USAV Academy. This is a member benefit for USAV members. So, in order to train to become a referee, you must start by registering with the Florida Region and paying your USAV dues for the year.
To register, click here. Please note, registration is not 100% refundable. Click here for membership information, including region refund policy. The registration database for the Florida Region and USAV is handled online in a system known as SportsEngine. Once registered, it is the responsibility of each member to keep their contact information up to date in SportsEngine. In order to officiate juniors events, officials age 18 and over must have current background screening performed by the company contracted by USA Volleyball. (Note: The background screen will be initiated during registration once you select the official's registration option.) No other background screens are accepted. This is a policy of USA Volleyball that cannot be changed or altered by the Florida Region. The background screen is good for two years and the process is initiated during registration for all those who will officiate Juniors tournaments. Once your registration and background screening are complete, you must fulfill the requirements for your certification level outlined in Step 2. CLICK HERE to join. SafeSport Training
SafeSport training is required for all officials. During your SportsEngine registration process, the system will send you a link via e-mail to complete the training. The system will automatically load which training is appropriate for you (Core vs. Refresher) and be available in your profile for you to complete.
Click on the button above to learn more about the training requirements and the available training opportunities that exist in the Florida Region for officials.
THERE ARE TWO PARTS TO THE TRAINING PORTION OF THE NEW OFFICIALS' PROCESS: ONLINE TRAINING CLASSES FOR CREDIT, AND THEN ATTEND AND IN-PERSON ORIENTATION SESSION. The online training for the 2021-22 season is now available. The new referee course is FL22_201 New Adult Referee Training. NEW OFFICIAL'S ORIENTATION CLASS: The New Official's Orientation Class is geared towards provisional, and interim (brand new) adult officials. At this session, you will have the opportunity to bring any questions that you have after taking the courses on line and ask the experts in person for clarification. There will also be a discussion on points of emphasis for the current season, as well as more information on the on-court evaluation and tournament assigning process. Officials must sign up for a clinic in advance. This session is REQUIRED for all interim officials who would like to work in the Florida Region. For provisional and regional officials, attendance is optional. Attendees must have completed the online training course for new officials (if a candidate) or re-certifying officials (if a provisional). There will be one session held in each of the 4 Region districts: Jacksonville, Orlando, Southwest Florida, South Florida. New Officials Orientation Sessions - Required for Certification. New Ref Orientation meetings for this season have been completed. New referee training will begin for next season in mid-October.
The next step in the certification process is to be evaluated on the court by members of the region rating and training team. This is to allow everyone to experience a live game situation, either at a tournament or a scrimmage. The focus is on learning, and new officials will be given training and guidance during this process. If the prospective official demonstrates proficiency by the end of the training and evaluation, and all other certification criteria have been met, a USAV Provisional patch will be awarded and the new official will be eligible for assignments.
To receive your on-court evaluation assignment, you will need to be registered in the Florida Region Officials' Assigning System. All Florida Region USAV officials are required to register in the assigning system if they want to be assigned to any USAV sanctioned events in the Florida Region. Registration is an invitation-only process. Note: this is the FINAL available evaluation date for the 2022 season